Thank You Readers For Your Overwhelming Love!
Today was an amazing day!
I received a flood of emails in my account from people who said that they liked my articles. I spent most of the morning writing back!
Then, in the afternoon, I finally finished my novel on the Cosmic Laws Of Prosperity. It's called 7 Disciplines of Wealth. It's the story of how the heroine, Ann Salisbury, has her whole life collapse, only to find it an invitation from the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, to step into a life of pure enchantment. The story revolves around Ann slowly learning the secrets to abundance in a Mystery School. I posted it up on my website.
I'd like to thank all those readers who kept on asking for my book. They're interest in my work spurred me to complete the project.
Finally, in the evening, when I was checking my email, I noticed an award from an ezine editor.
Hi Saleem,
You are one of our "Platinum" level members.
Currently only 13.6% of our 1,900+ authors have earned this status.
If you surf any of your articles, we have added a yellow star next to your name to indicate that you are a Platinum member.
You've also earned Expert Author status:
Your article is also on our high-traffic home page today:
Write & Sell With Passion!
Christopher M. Knight

Sometimes, life can be pure magic!
Thank you everyone for your kindness. You know I love to write. And with readers like you, it becomes even more pleasurable.
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