Key To Success

What do you do when you come across a key to success in a book you're reading? You ponder over it. Since I read many books and come across many keys, I thought it would be fun to share the ideas that arise as I contemplate a key to success. Reading is not just about absorbing information, it's also about contemplating, allowing the ideas to blossom within, and nurturing a seed tossed in the rich soil of the inner garden.

Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

I got my Master's degree in psychotherapy more than a decade ago. Since then I've studied the human condition with fascination. Over the years, I've learned a singular lesson: your life does not work when you oppose your soul nature. If you want a magical life, you have to drop your inauthentic transactions with the world. You discover your own power when you spend time alone to figure out what you really love to do.

Friday, July 08, 2005

How Anyone Can Manifest Anything!

My mother taught me how to teach others about the power of the mind. By learning how to teach her, I learned how to communicate essential wealth-building ideas to others.

Many years ago, she worked as an employee in an insurance company. Her low salary pinned her to a fixed income. Trapped in her cubicle, she held little hope for change.

With Christmas only a month away, she was upset. Normally, a generous soul, she did not know how to face the season of giving. She could barely pay her many bills, let alone buy everyone in our family presents.

I asked her what she would do if she could attract $25,000 for Christmas. I told her that it is possible to create anything with the mind. I told her that she could create wealth. I told her that she had the power to create miracles if her faith was strong enough.

After much skepticism, she humored me by telling me all the things she would buy.

I then talked to her about how the great religious teachers of the past taught the principles of manifestation.

Jesus Christ spoke about it in the Sermon on the Mount.

The Buddha spoke about it in the Dhammapada.

Krishna spoke about it in the Bhagavad-Gita.

I pointed out how many of the esoteric traditions also mentioned it. In the
Kabbalah teachings, in Sufism, and in Shamanism many rich illustrations hinted at the power of mind over matter.

Today, the science of quantum mechanics mathematically and experimentally demonstrates how thoughts influence matter.

During my enthusiastic exposition, her eyes glazed over as I spoke.

Finally, out of desperation, I focused on keeping things very simple, and very practical.

Since she is a great cook, I gave her specific, doable instructions in a recipe book format.

At Christmas time, when I showed up at the house, everything looked different. Signs of affluence colored the room like a rainbow. I saw a brand new Persian carpet, a big fish tank, and a whole assortment of kitchen gadgets. Everything on her list was now in the house! And, yes, she had plenty of presents for everyone.

This was her remarkable story:

She practiced the ideas I taught her. After a time, they made her feel better. She did them because it gave her hope. As she did them, she noticed no change in her mind or her life. Still, she persisted (if only to prove her pedantic son wrong!)

One day, she felt an urge to invest in her company’s stock options. Suddenly, the market went bearish for a few weeks and she made a modest fortune.

She sold her stocks for exactly $25,000!

This weird story changed both our lives. She practiced the principles of manifestation from then on, and I worked on refining them and teaching them. To this day, I still don’t understand the stock market. My mother didn’t fully understand it, either. She was just happy to follow her intuition.

Incidentally, today, my mother runs her own insurance company. (And, yes, she is an even better cook now that she has an army of culinary robots working for her.)

This was the beginning of my teaching others to make money simply by thinking about wealth in a specific way. Through this incident, I accidentally stumbled upon a method to teach anyone how to manifest what they needed.

Later on, I manifested a scholarship that enabled me to follow my dream of going to graduate school for psychology.

And today I have enjoyed the materialization of this website to share my knowledge with others; although when I first started I didn’t have a clue about web design or marketing. I just manifested the right people and technical education and software tools to make it happen.

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Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life


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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Can A Simple Idea Change Your Life?

Ideas happen all the time. And when I say an idea, I don’t just mean a mere thought. An idea is more than a mental opinion and it is loftier than a sentiment. An idea is a special thought. It is a thought that gives you a rush, a sparkle, a feeling of exhilaration.

We all have ideas, but usually we brush them off, rushing to do other more pressing or more entertaining things. We treat ideas like beggars who try to steal our attention. We hurry past them with our eyes averted.

Then, of course, there are those times, when we need to resolve a situation as quickly as possible—but our minds remain blank! Our feeble brainstorming sessions result in fatigue and frustration. “Never mind!” says the idea-generating Genie within.

Unless we cultivate a habit of writing down our ideas when they occur, we will not find them when we really need them. We cultivate ideas by learning more and by teaching what we know. And we cultivate ideas by capturing them on paper whenever they show up.

Ideas come loaded with inspirational zest. They call for attention, welling up from the depths of consciousness at the oddest times…when we’re falling asleep or waking up, when we’re in the shower, or when we’re climbing aboard a crowded shuttle.

Right now, I’m giving you an idea. I’m telling you that ideas can be your best friend and that you should treat them with respect, even reverence. When you fixate on a mental object, your brain automatically starts to elaborate on a theme, and before long, you start to get fresh new ideas.

Perhaps an idea can make you a fortune. Consider the idea of mixing two different types of favorite foods to create a unique combination. The foods are chocolate and peanut butter. It’s a simple enough idea, but by acting on it, Hershey Foods has made $4.43 billion in sales. Yes, BILLIONS.

The other day, I had a simple idea that is making my life work better.

I noticed that when I dwelt on my problems, I became overwhelmed by them. This resulted in my not taking any action. And, generally speaking, they often got worse.

I noticed that making grocery lists forced me to notice what I needed and forced me to focus on picking up everything that I needed when I go shopping. Similarly, by making lists of my problems, I was able to sort through them and develop simple actions to resolve them.

When I decided to make a list of all my problems based on my positive experience with grocery lists, I combined two experiences which had nothing to do with each other to create an elegant strategy.

Now I get great satisfaction when I scratch off an item on my list. Problem after problem, task after task, I am moving forward in my life, adding more quality and eliminating more pain.

As my problems diminish my life is getting easier. Now I’m beginning to see them as challenges rather than problems. And by noticing my own self-improvement, I’m able to get more enthused about resolving difficulties by generating even more ideas.

A simple idea has changed my life.

A simple way to generate ideas is to ask questions like, “If I were (state the problem) what would I like to happen right now?” For example, “If I were (a car that needed repair work) what would I like to happen right now?” Then your mind would come up with an answer and an objection. “I’d get repaired (answer) but there isn’t enough money (objection).” You’d then continue dialoging with yourself in this vein until you could find an idea on how to generate more money, or find someone to fix it for free, or find a substitute repair work that would be cheaper until you did find the money. Do you see how it works?

Gathering ideas can be fun and they can change your life, too. All it takes is paying attention to all the ideas that are showing up for you every day.

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Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life


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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Do You Have Tickets To Your Dream Theater?

I'd like you to do an exercise with me.

I want you to use your imagination to construct a dream theater.

Begin by visiting your living room in your mind’s eye.

Now this is not the living room you now believe in and have created in actuality, but this is your living room in the future.

Notice how everything is different. Make it bigger, brighter, and closer. Feel the vivid emotions of this dream living room.

Expand this vision a little more. Deepen this vision quest.

See the other rooms. See the house. See the neighborhood. Fly higher on the wings of desire and see a marvelous new world.

Now populate your house with the people you would like to share your time and space.

What kind of work are you doing? What kind of impact on the world are you now having? In what ways is your life deeper, richer, and more fulfilling?

Do this exercise right now and then come back to this article.

Do you find yourself believing the story you just told yourself?

Was your dream real for a moment? Or did it seem more like just another pipe dream? If your desire was intense enough, it will have aroused within you a sense of certainty, a taste of possibility.

Once upon a time, Benjamin Franklin flew a kite and discovered electricity. Today every home in the developed world is lit by electric light. In fact, we take electricity for granted.

Once upon a time, the Wright brothers flew the first airplane and discovered aerial transportation. Today every major city in the world is connected by airports. In fact, we take travel by air for granted.

Similarly your dream is calling to you to awaken it and to bring it forth into form and function. Your ambition is trying to arouse you from your conditioned slumbers.

Your dream exists because it is your way to be uniquely yourself. It also exists because it wants to change the world for the better.

What has to happen before you will act on your dream and learn all you need and do all that is necessary to bring it into reality? Dare you allow yourself to unleash your aspiration?

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Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life


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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What Is Success Anyway?

Success is creating what you want the way you want it to be.

It is, in fact, a journey. And, like all journeys, your ship will sail through calm waters and buck in storms. If you stay on course, continually upgrading your navigational instruments and adjusting to feedback, you will reach your port of dreams.

Everyone has had the experience of shipwreck. Their most cherished dreams collapsed despite their best efforts.

The difference between those who succeed in life and those who fail are neither the number of shipwrecks nor the severity of the storms. The difference is in their persistence. It takes persistence to complete the journey. Some people choose to build one ship after another until they reach their port of call. Others abandon the journey as soon as they run into a reef.

Success, then, is a process. It is an incessant refinement of strategy until something finally works.

Success starts with goal setting, and then goal setting is followed by action. Neither your goal setting theory nor your actions have to be perfect. A key to success is to start anywhere; over time, your vision will clear and your actions improve.

Here is a simple but effective strategy. 1. Begin where you are with what you have right now. 2. Notice what is working and what is not working. 3. Keep trying out new things until you have better results. 4. Keep on adding what works and discarding what does not work. 5. Arrive at your goal.

Another name for success is mastery. When you attain mastery over something you know what to do to get the results that you want. And you can repeat this method over and over again to ensure a stream of rewards.

Mastery is persistence over time. Those who profit from persistence appreciate ongoing self improvement and motivation. In fact, intrinsic motivation will allow you to do anything, overcome any obstacle, and surmount any hesitation. Furthermore, the more intense your motivation, the better your chances of success when you embark on any new enterprise.

In the Middle Ages, mastery of a profession was done through a guild. A person learned directly under a master. At first, he was an apprentice. Then, he became a journeyman. At last, he became a master in his own right.

Success is a continuous learning of strategy. This learning is both theoretical and practical. Eventually, when you do something long enough, you become very good at it. This process is accelerated when you follow someone who can guide you past common mistakes.

After you find a mentor, you have to stay consistent, refusing to get discouraged by challenges that will arise because of your lack of knowledge or resources.

Ideally, a mentor can be a person who is an expert. However, you can also attain mentorship through multimedia materials and educational associations. Every business success story is due to the presence of a mentor. And every other type of success can benefit from one too.

Wherever you are, begin the journey. We human beings are teleological. We need goals, a lofty ideal, and a compelling raison d’etre. Deny us meaning and we vegetate, feel empty, and even become self-destructive.

Success, ultimately, is about being fully YOU!

You are here on this planet to express your potential.

You are here to discover a life worth living and a purpose worth fulfilling. The entire universe will benefit from your success—because everything is interlinked. A goal oriented person is an evolutionary force in motion.

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Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life


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Friday, July 01, 2005

Can You Really Let Go Of Your Huge Internal Struggle?

When I was in graduate school for psychology, we had a fellow student by the name of Allan who was running a successful clinical practice and had joined our program to improve his credentials. He had a remarkable track record of successful case histories.

One day, in a casual conversation during a classroom break, Cindy, a student, asked him what the single biggest reason people did not improve after counseling.

What he said made the three of us in this little huddle near the coffee machine pay attention.

“The single reason people do not change their lives for the better is not because they don’t know what to do or how to do it to change, “said Allan, speaking slowly, thoughtfully. “Clients reach a point when they have all the information that they need to change in an instant. However, they don’t change because they think they’re feelings about the situation their dealing with is true.”

“What do you mean?” asked Richard, who was listening in. “Aren’t we in the business of teaching people how to express feelings? When you face your feelings, you begin the process of healing states of low self-esteem.”

“Real life is more complex than what we learn here in school,” said Allan. “Yes, repressing feelings and articulating them and raising self-esteem do effect positive change, but sometimes the feelings themselves are the problem.”

“I’m not following you,” confessed Richard, frowning.

“People often respond to their feelings, not their thoughts about the situation that is upsetting them. They never question these feelings. They assume their feelings are making an accurate statement about reality.”

“You mean they mis-feel,” I interjected, suddenly grasping his subtle point.

Allan smiled. “Yes, exactly. Just as you can mis-think something, or mis-perceive something, and later on, given more information, realize that you had jumped to the wrong conclusion or had fallen under some kind of optical illusion, like a mirage, for example, you can similarly mis-feel.”

“So,” said Cindy, “while people are open to correct their cognition about something, they don’t even think to question their feelings about something.”

“And,” reflected Richard, “They are so completely locked into a huge internal struggle that goes on day after day, year after year, that they never doubt that what they feel is how things really are. Thus, their problem, whatever it is, becomes chronic.”

Allan nodded. “Feelings are reactions to events. They are not necessarily true statements about events. They are interpretations. These feelings, over time, become hard-wired chemically into the nervous system so that a person can’t look beyond them. It doesn’t matter what you say to them, they are only listening to their feelings.”

“How do they make the shift, then, to a more adaptable way of coping with their problems?” I asked.

“First,” said Allan, “they have to become aware of what they’re feeling. The feelings are so quick and so spontaneous that they are taken for granted and not even noticed. Someone in anger, for example, is fully aware of what irritates him, but may not even be aware that his feelings of anger are causing him to see something as irritating. He does not notice his anger—although, of course, it is obvious to everyone else. He is focused on the problem and not the sensations that arise within him to make him believe that he is confronting a problem.”

“When you are able to watch your feelings, you begin to let go of your huge internal struggle,” said Richard, fully in tune with Allan by this time. “You are able to transcend the emotion and see it for what it is—feelings that are controlling how you think.”

“And when you grasp how your feelings are selecting your thoughts, you are able to choose new ways of interpreting your troubling experience,” concluded Allan.

“I see,” said Cindy, “it’s hard to achieve anything when you’re preoccupied with feeling bad. You see everything through the distorted lens of your feelings.”

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Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life


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