Key To Success

What do you do when you come across a key to success in a book you're reading? You ponder over it. Since I read many books and come across many keys, I thought it would be fun to share the ideas that arise as I contemplate a key to success. Reading is not just about absorbing information, it's also about contemplating, allowing the ideas to blossom within, and nurturing a seed tossed in the rich soil of the inner garden.

Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

I got my Master's degree in psychotherapy more than a decade ago. Since then I've studied the human condition with fascination. Over the years, I've learned a singular lesson: your life does not work when you oppose your soul nature. If you want a magical life, you have to drop your inauthentic transactions with the world. You discover your own power when you spend time alone to figure out what you really love to do.

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Flow of Silence

At the end of the day, bathing in the soft light of a candle, lying still on your favorite easy chair, surrender to the silence, and you will find within it, music to disappear in.

Franz Kafka, one of the major German-language novelists and short story writers of the 20th century, whose unique body of writing is considered amongst the most influential in Western literature, knew that if anything has real and lasting value, it is always a gift from within.

He understood the flow of silence, the eloquence that follows from an immersion into nothingness, the transcendence that slips behind suspended action like a shadow.

He wrote: "You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet."

The practice of stillness is well-known to mystics and geniuses.

In the Bible, in Psalm 24, it has been said, "Be still, and know that I am God."

When you enter the silence, you enter the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High, and all fear, trembling, and doubt ceases. Your restless feet no longer trouble the earth and the mountains of your troubles are carried into the depths of the sea of oblivion.

There is a river in the silence that will carry you into a power that is your very own. When you enter the silence, by learning how to rest and be still, you enter a new place, a virgin territory, where all that is discordant and broken in your life cannot come with you.

Usually, in the first half-hour nothing much happens. Your mind starts to unwind, like a weary warrior dismounting from a spirited horse. You set your shield down, lower your sword, and rest your aching limbs.

Then, in the next half-hour, you gradually descend into a place that becomes increasingly unfamiliar, where thoughts and feelings float by your amazed inner gaze with an alien majesty.

The convulsions of your life, the earthquake that throws the mountains into the sea, the roaring of the waves, the cataclysm of the tidal wave - these phenomena as well as any commotions and revolutions in your world need not shake the one who trusts in silence. Silence is a proven refuge.

Albert Einstein knew about the power of silence and changed the world by what he discovered in it.

Einstein borrowed the idea of the Gedankenexperiment, a thought experiment, from Ernst Mach, the German philosopher, and used it to see what would happen to light beams and gravity when viewed from different imaginary scenarios. He made his paradigm-shattering discoveries by immersing himself in silence and allowing his thoughts to travel where no human thought had ever gone before.

Strange things happen in silence. When the mind-body slows to an even, relaxed pace, thoughts attain a slow rhythm, and intuition arises to resolve paradoxes and invite resolutions and sort out juxtapositions in a unique and exhilarating way.

There is much evidence to show that at alpha and theta brainwaves, which happen in stillness and silence, new thoughts, new discoveries, and remarkable insights await.

Whether you are looking for the God of the mystics or the intuitive hunch that leads to ideas that can change your world, there is only one place you will find it: within. When you discover a resting place free of sound and distraction, you also discover yourself.

There is a world within deeper than an ocean, where archetypes roam and parallel lines do meet at infinity. It is the place where a single whisper can change your life entirely.

Silence is flow; it is music to disappear in; and it has a momentum to it that adds grace to your days and poetry to your life. Pursue it diligently and in your most frantic hour, it will rescue you like the brush of an angel's wing.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A Conversation On Antichronous

Quantum Mechanics are baffled by time because on the level below the atom, particles do strange things, even disappearing and reappearing. Does time really exist or is it just the way we have chosen how to structure the world? The following short story can be considered a thought experiment.

After my spaceship had landed on Antichronous and I had spent a good deal of time amongst the enlightened inhabitants, I also lost track of time.

Like earth, the planet rotates around the sun and time can be measured. And the people are certainly clever enough to create measuring devices for time, from watches to calendars to history, but they prefer not to do it.

"Time is an illusion," explained the sage, Viji. "You see," she said, "we can remember the future and we can change the past."

"How?" I asked.

"It is because we have learned not to take it seriously. Who you are, after all, is pure subjectivity. This means that everything is happening right now."

"Well, I see you," I pointed out. "So you must be objective. After all, I am here with my back against a tree trunk and you are there, a short distance away, sitting on a rock facing the ocean."

"Yes, " she agreed. "But I am an image inside of you, a vibration of light that you interpret as a physical form. And you hear my voice, and interpret the sound to carry certain meanings. Now if you were not here at all, but, say, back on earth, do I really exist for you? Even if you remember me, is that not just an image you have in your mind? And if you were to remember me many years from today, your image would be of me as I am now and not as I may have changed."

"Still, there is something that I am seeing and hearing to interpret and something that I am remembering, even if incorrectly. So you are objective."

"My objectivity relies entirely on your subjectivity."

"Fine, "I said, "but let's get back to this concept of time."

"Yes, I know about that concept because I have been to your world," she said.

Pleased, feeling that I was at last gaining some ground here, I opened my mouth, but she interrupted to say, "but I don't believe in it at all."

"Why not?"

"Because there is only now. Yesterday it is now. Tomorrow it is now. How do I know? Because that is all I experience. I am only fully aware of this moment. I may have memories of past or future moments, but it is only from this moment that even that type of imagination is possible."

"But what about the day my spaceship landed on your planet," I protested. "That was not now."

"The now is not fixed, it stretches," she said. "Then it was now and now it is now. It's the same now because a movement of events does not make the now disappear."

I shook my head. I was even more confused than before. Then suddenly she threw an apple at me and I caught it.

"When did you catch it? "she asked.

"Now," I said.

And she laughed.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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Help Always, Hurt Never

Revenge, the desire to hurt others who have hurt us, only bears bitter fruit. It hurts those whom we have inflicted our wrath upon. And it hurts us, because no single act in the universe goes unrewarded. From that singular act, our own consciousness is wounded by the expression of our animalism.

Nations pride themselves on the swiftness of their retribution but inevitably collapse in on themselves because the seeds of discontent that they sow, hurts all of life. Rome, the greatest civilization that the world had ever known, built on the finest arts and sciences known to the ancient world, the epitome of legal and architectural order, collapsed from within, destroyed by its own impulse to use its mighty force to strike out and subdue.

Today our world is dying because of this impulse to strike out.

We are destroying each other at an alarming rate, both individually and collectively.

And even the earth itself, is collapsing at a faster rate than we can repair. Scientists now estimate that by the year 2050, we will have exhausted the earth of all its natural resources.

The science that we celebrate, the genius of our efforts, are wasted on destructive uses. Instead of using the power of the nucleus to build great civilizations we are busy using it to stockade bombs.

Billions of dollars that could be used to heal the broken places on our planet are used to send people to horrific deaths.

When we seek to hurt life, we hurt ourselves, for we are life.

Revenge it is said is a dish best served cold; but whether it is served with cold deliberation or hot reaction, it is a dish in whose very preparation we imbue a poison that will return to destroy us.

The greatest illusion is this: that we can hurt and not be hurt, that we can wound another and remain unscathed. When we inflict harm upon another, we inflict harm upon ourselves. What goes around comes around. A rudimentary study of history will prove this.

When we love, we reach out to align with life, to nurture and make others better, and in that act, we redeem ourselves from our own past follies.

This love is a precious act. It is our extension of spiritual power in the world. It is a moment of sympathy and support that we have for life. When you bend down and help a child tie its shoelaces, you are tying up all the knots of the world. When you listen in silence and understand someone, you are spreading the meme of support through all of time and space, for thoughts are cosmic waves that do not know any barriers.

As we extend love to others, it comes back to us.

Yet we cannot love others unless we love ourselves as well.

We cannot live without making mistakes of judgment and do things that we will later regret, because we are naïve and do foolish things out of that naivety. But we do grow, and looking back at the harm we have invoked, we feel grief. Our act of love, then, is to forgive ourselves. Yet instead of taking this simple act, we damn ourselves repeatedly, and in this way, we still hurt life, because we are life.

When we feel the urge to strike out, we must remember how it feels to have the wound inflicted upon our own flesh, because everything returns to the author of a deed.

Help always, hurt never. Do this and your life will be a blessing to the world and you must reap the harvest from what you have sown.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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Sunday, October 22, 2006

How To Be Safe, Well, And Happy

The only way to live a happy, prosperous, successful and fulfilling life is to learn to express the love that is within you. When you meet yourself, others, and the life that you express with love, then you will change everything for the better.

Who you are is an incarnation of love because what you seek, above all else, is to be well, safe, and happy; and that is what love provides, an assurance and promise of well-being.

The absence of love, the varying degrees of hatred, create conditions of distress that destroy the cells of the body and ruin the structure of a life, causing only illness, aging, stress, and destruction.

The human condition as we know it, in all its distressing dilemmas, is made possible only because of this denial of love.

Apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, and pride which lead to poverty, illness, and loneliness all arise out of a denial of the love that is your very nature.

Love does not have to be invented. It is fully manifested in a new born. However, with social conditioning, it gets covered up quickly, as the little person is consistently denied assurances of well-being. Criticism, punishment, expressions of coercion, cause love to hide, become distorted, and retreat from full expression.

Even when avatars come to teach love, pointing out that your real nature is only love, they are met with various levels of resistance. Those who oppose them have a lust for power because they mistakenly believe that only force creates favorable conditions.

Yet if you look at the history of this world, you will always see that force only destroys, both the enforcer and the enforced. It does not replace what love does; it does not assure well-being.

All the disasters in our own lives and the world as a whole is a result of this substitution of force for love. We force ourselves, we force others, and we create institutions that assure the expression of force.

Yet force does not create safety, and enforced compliance does not create a better world.

Ironically, it is very simple to change everything to start working for you. In all cases where you want to apply force, apply love.

Within a week, your life will be much better. Within a year, you will not even be able to recognize your life.

As you learn to be more loving, you will not only affect your own life, but the lives of all those whom you touch. They will, then, pass on your blessing to others.
You will literally be changing the world; not by doing anything special, but just by being more yourself, the self that is naturally kind, loving, and nurturing.

A return to love is the answer to discover the life that you really want to live.

Love, like sunshine, can light up all the dark places in your life and heal the wounds of the world.

We are all in this life together, all hoping for some miracle that will right wrongs and make the crooked places straight; but the power that we seek to do good is our own lovingness. All we have to do to change everything for the better is gradually build up our courage to express it.

The great wisdom of life will not be discovered by your mind but by your heart. You, in your own divine splendor, are the light of the world, the promise of hope, and the assurance of better things for all beings everywhere.

If you ask for the happiness, prosperity, success, and fulfillment of the world, this is what will come back to visit you in your quiet hours. At every moment you have the choice to turn the mundane into the magical.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Genie In A Bottle

It is beginning to dawn on me that the only possible response to life is awe and wonder.

It is fascinating to consider how both quantum mechanics and mysticism point us back upon ourselves as the core of the ultimate reality, the root of life, the ground of the universe, and the source of all sentience.
It is also fascinating to realize that our thoughts are potent and that the genie in a bottle is not some far away intelligence that listens to us if we implore long enough but our own divine nature.

Amplify this to the nth dimension and what you have is a universe that is alive, a symphony of the three vibrational fields of energy, matter, and intelligence. What's more, this entire orchestration appears to be running spontaneously and effortlessly.

In this bundle of finely-coordinated matter we refer to as our bodies, we appear to be an aspect of that intelligence that coordinates all of it. We are explorers of the quantum field expressed as a world.

Our job, as far as I can tell, is to create as we go along, not only to sustain our energy systems in the matrix of all possibilities, but also for its own sake, because creative self-expression fills us with joy, whether it be through coordinating the patterns of information in art or science or through something as sublime as an act of compassion.

Ironically, even our insistence on creating limitations, both collectively and individually, on who we are and what we can do, is an act of creativity, a twist of the plot where our fear of our own power causes us to imprison our own splendor.
Glimpsing the infinite correlation that makes a person function in a world, an immense curiosity can compel one to deepen the exploration of inner space.
This is known as the spiritual journey; but it only remains dynamic if one does not settle for any of the proffered answers. The moment the power of inquiry settles upon an answer, one has settled for certainty where the wisdom of insecurity is the only true guide.

We can never know who we are or why we are here or what any of this is all about because we are dealing with infinite processes, a continuous expansion of intelligence experiencing itself on escalating levels.

The most sensible response is to forget about Platonic absolutes and finite causality, believing that this river of life that is us has beginnings and endings, final resolutions and satisfying summaries. Instead, we have to embrace the non-conceptual view that just as time can never be captured or that space has no edge, so, too, we, these thinking fields of awareness in a thinking universe are unfolding stories without a final chapter.

This view does take courage, but when you think deeply about it, nothing could be more exhilarating.

And as the genie in the bottle that is emerging into an ever wider view of things, a sense of awe and wonder can be the only intelligent response to the experience of living in a mystery that has no defined boundaries.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Power Of Focus Creates Huge Success

The universe consists of arrangements that condense to smaller arrangements, patterns within patterns. The smallest discernible pattern is that of subatomic particles, and then beyond that is energy. Now the marvelous thing about this energy is that it is not dead, but the most alive thing of all. It is not insensate, like say electricity, a particular pattern of flowing electrons. This energy is alive. It is the source of all life. It is consciousness itself. And in you and I, we experience it as mind, or consciousness identified with a particular form and experiences arising from that form.

Now in us, this mind-stuff keeps the flow of life in the body, and it also creates our world, expressing itself as thought, emotions, and physical movement.

When the individual becomes aware enough to start focusing this mind stuff, then true personal evolution, a quickening of all aspects of well-being, start to take place.

It is nothing more than concentration that creates genius, enterprise, and massive breakthroughs.

Unfortunately, with most people, this focus is only a theoretically good idea, and in many cases, it is not even considered.

An analogy may explain the value of a focused mind a little more clearly.

We experience the many rays of the sun in a way that does not harm us. But once we capture the light in a magnifying glass, the concentrated beams immediately start a fire.

It is the same with mind.

You can either be scatter-brained, which is euphemistically referred to as "multi-tasking" or you can be focused.

Great success is only possible with focus. It is the secret of champions, the secret of genius, and the secret behind any particular act of excellence. The most "multi-tasking" can do is create competence for a short time at the price of high energy expenditure, and if continued for long enough creates confusion, which is an entropic condition.

This is an open secret. Focus creates excellence.

Although this is obvious, few people attend to it. And, you will also notice that few people are highly successful. Most people are struggling; only the few, thrive. The difference is in how each uses their mind. You can use your mind in a general way and get average results or you can use your mind in a focused way and create excellence.

On the surface, it seems that some people appear to have more power than others: more brain power, more energy, and more raw talent. But, where did that power come from in the first place? It came from a decision to focus and then consistent application to develop along certain lines.

How do you develop focus?

Pick one goal and see it to completion. It can be as complex as building a million dollars or reading a book in such a way that you fully understand the information in it.
Then practice focus, over and over again, until you get good at it.

Success is a series of small focused acts coming together to create a huge outcome. And every act is complete in itself. Over time, the accumulation of these complete acts is what will create for you a life that will make others shake their heads in astonishment at what you have accomplished.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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The Power Of Focus Creates Huge Success

The universe consists of arrangements that condense to smaller arrangements, patterns within patterns. The smallest discernible pattern is that of subatomic particles, and then beyond that is energy. Now the marvelous thing about this energy is that it is not dead, but the most alive thing of all. It is not insensate, like say electricity, a particular pattern of flowing electrons. This energy is alive. It is the source of all life. It is consciousness itself. And in you and I, we experience it as mind, or consciousness identified with a particular form and experiences arising from that form.

Now in us, this mind-stuff keeps the flow of life in the body, and it also creates our world, expressing itself as thought, emotions, and physical movement.

When the individual becomes aware enough to start focusing this mind stuff, then true personal evolution, a quickening of all aspects of well-being, start to take place.

It is nothing more than concentration that creates genius, enterprise, and massive breakthroughs.

Unfortunately, with most people, this focus is only a theoretically good idea, and in many cases, it is not even considered.

An analogy may explain the value of a focused mind a little more clearly.

We experience the many rays of the sun in a way that does not harm us. But once we capture the light in a magnifying glass, the concentrated beams immediately start a fire.

It is the same with mind.

You can either be scatter-brained, which is euphemistically referred to as "multi-tasking" or you can be focused.

Great success is only possible with focus. It is the secret of champions, the secret of genius, and the secret behind any particular act of excellence. The most "multi-tasking" can do is create competence for a short time at the price of high energy expenditure, and if continued for long enough creates confusion, which is an entropic condition.

This is an open secret. Focus creates excellence.

Although this is obvious, few people attend to it. And, you will also notice that few people are highly successful. Most people are struggling; only the few, thrive. The difference is in how each uses their mind. You can use your mind in a general way and get average results or you can use your mind in a focused way and create excellence.

On the surface, it seems that some people appear to have more power than others: more brain power, more energy, and more raw talent. But, where did that power come from in the first place? It came from a decision to focus and then consistent application to develop along certain lines.

How do you develop focus?

Pick one goal and see it to completion. It can be as complex as building a million dollars or reading a book in such a way that you fully understand the information in it.
Then practice focus, over and over again, until you get good at it.

Success is a series of small focused acts coming together to create a huge outcome. And every act is complete in itself. Over time, the accumulation of these complete acts is what will create for you a life that will make others shake their heads in astonishment at what you have accomplished.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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Friday, October 06, 2006

Why We Are Self-Destructive

On a cultural level, most social conditioning, focuses on either repressing desires or permitting only a certain strain of desires. All this results in distorted desires and completely maladaptive emotions like fear, shame, and guilt.

As an organism advances in intelligence, so, too, does its desires. There are the basic desires of the body for food, clothing, shelter, sex, and social relationships. Then at a mental level, there are desires for more knowledge, creating art, appreciating music, and so on. Then on an emotional level, there are desires for love, friendship, and happiness. Finally, on a spiritual level, there is the desire for discovering the meaning of life and exploring the possibility of a higher consciousness.

It is the expression of all these desires that have created civilization as we know it today, and as these desires are allowed to expand, we will start to create even more refined and sophisticated expressions of ourselves.

However, the outflow and expression of these desires are often resisted, which results in a distorted view of things, conflicting and agitating emotions, and behavioral outbursts that are destructive.

What life seeks to do is express itself through desires. What various societies since the beginning of time appear to be doing is working to manipulate and control individual self-expression in favor of a collective agenda. This results in resistance to the natural expression of desire, and these distortions create psychological aberrations, both mental and emotional.

It has never been the desire of humanity to destroy itself, but because of the distortion of desires, this force has magnified to such an extent that the possibility now exists.

On an extreme scale, this amalgamation of repressed desires, has resulted in individuals choosing suicide and homicide and cultures choosing some form of genocide. This is not how nature intended desire to be used; it is an aberration of desire, where desire turns in on itself and becomes destructive.

When the life force is resisted it becomes anti-life.

A fallacy has often been spread by teachers and students of Eastern religions that desire is something to be repressed if one hopes to advance on the spiritual path. In Western religions, the tendency has been to try and channel the desires into certain chosen ideals.

Apart from the obvious point that it is itself a desire to be spiritually aware, this idea of repressing or selecting only favorable desires appears to have many other illogical features.

While it is possibly true that our attachments and aversions, the desire for things and the desire to avoid things, can cloud our vision of cosmic meaning and distract us from the purpose of probing our inner understanding of life, it is not true that desire itself is our enemy.

Everything that exists desires something because this is it's expansive drive. The instinct of a primitive life form, like an amoeba, is desire. As life forms become more advanced, desires, too, multiply. In all animals, every animal has a strong desire to preserve itself. In human beings, a completely new hierarchy begins, and desires range from basic biological necessities to self-actualization.

There is a vital force in all of consciousness to express itself in a larger way, an expansive force, that over time evolves species. The consciousness behind life is seeking to express itself in larger ways through life forms.

In human beings desires that have been thwarted result in all sorts of aberrations, like apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger, and pride.

All these are, in fact, expressions of desires that have not been allowed to run their full course. They are desires that have been inhibited by individual and collective forces of will.

In fact, one can even offer an argument that all psychological and sociological problems arise from distorted desires, desires that have turned in on themselves like ingrown toenails.

When we arrest our own expression of life force, either individually or collectively, we turn the force of desire against ourselves and become self-destructive.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

How To Live Your Life On Purpose

When you open up your heart, your world changes.

The first thing that happens is appreciation, for yourself and others.

As your self-love expands, and you love yourself as you are rather than waiting to love yourself when you're perfect, you also start to love others, accepting them as they are as well.

Another remarkable thing, too, begins to happen: you start to live your life on purpose.

What does it mean to live your life on purpose?

Your soul reaches out to express itself. Instead of doing what you should do, you start doing what you want to do; and instead of conforming, you start informing yourself about who you are and why you are here.

Your entire picture of the experience of your life shifts. Where before you only saw walls, you now see doors. Where before you only saw limits, you start to see horizons. And where before you thought you were alone, you start to see yourself as one with all the world.

Who you are is a miracle and where you are is a place where miracles can happen.

As you look back, remembering the person you used to be, the one who was afraid of yourself, other people and the world, who protected yourself by sealing up your heart, you feel at once appalled and amazed at your own resistance to letting yourself really feel alive.

What does it take to get to this feeling place where intuition replaces confusion, where order replaces chaos, and where harmony replaces discord?

What does it take to make faith possible?

What does it take to start living out of faith and embracing the opportunities that appear to arise out of nowhere?

It takes surrender. Surrender to what is. Surrender to who you are. Surrender to what can happen when you allow the help you need to show up.

When you let go, you do not find a void, you find a fullness of being that had always been there, a fullness that you had never noticed before. Where you thought to find an abomination, you find a god.

Who you are is more magnificent than anything that you can imagine. But you will not journey to that place of self-evolution until you give yourself permission to dissolve the codes, personal, cultural, and historical that keep you inhibited. Only you can give yourself permission to move beyond what you know to what you can learn. Only you are privy to the yearnings of your soul and only you are the guardian of your dreams. No one else can do it for you. Only you.

Your destiny is not written in the stars. It is not dictated by others. It is locked in your feeling place and your key to freedom is in your own hand.

When you open up your heart, you will know these things. Once you find the courage to love who you really are inside, it will open the way for you to start living your life on purpose.

When you break out of the prison of fear and lack, you will find magic and miracles waiting to show you the way home to your real self.

Amazing things happen when you let go and you step into the flow.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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The You of You

There is a power within you that is greater than the world. If you let it, it will sustain you, expand you, and fill you with joy.

This power is closer than hands and feet; it is nearer and dearer to you than your own breath.

It is invisible, silent, and immeasurable.

All names for it are vague. All descriptions of it are inaccurate.

It transcends everything you can possibly know about it.

The power within you that can be spoken of is not the power that exists; for like the wind, it cannot be caught; and like the ocean, it can never be grasped.

It is not the mind, but beyond the mind.

This awareness that is you, this sentient understanding, this all encompassing consciousness, it is magnificence itself.

And the sweetest thing about this understanding, is that it is the you of you, the immensity of you.

There is nothing more intimate, nothing more reassuring, and nothing more exhilarating than this inner presence.

Civilizations may come and go, you may trade one body after another, and yet this essence of you, this pure energetic consciousness, will only continue to expand in its awareness.

When confronted with the lie of the world, it is truth; when intimidated by misfortune and adversity, it is strength; and when impoverished by lack, it is abundance.

You are the quintessence of power and beauty and truth; for who you are is this power that never sleeps, this awareness that never ceases, this brilliance that never dims.

You are the light of the world, an emanation of pure energy, unrestricted consciousness wrapped in layers of skin and bones, illusions and misconceptions.

When you finally understand who you are, really are inside, there can be only one possible response: a spontaneous burst of happiness that has no limits.

You are the unbounded potentiality, and who you think you are is not even close to who you really are inside.

The purpose of life is simply this: to discover the you of you.

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Saleem Rana is a psychotherapist in Denver, Colorado. If you're up to the challenge and want to create the kind of freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve - starting now - then get his free book from


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